
Flackwell Heath Golf Club


Student Membership

We offer fantastic discounts to students in full time education.

Please note, a valid, in-date student photo I.D. or photo NUS Card is required to benefit. 

Full Price Student Price
Platinum £1,975 £600
5 Day Platinum £1,675 £500
Gold £1,780 £500
Silver £1,340 £400
Bronze £830 £275

To sign up please contact the office on 01628 520929 or email and we will be happy to help. 

Any additional rounds purchased will be charged pro rata. Guest green fees will be charged at the standard (full price) Lifestyle Category, with no Student discount applied


T: 01628 520929

E: Treadaway Road, Flackwell Heath, High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire, HP10 9PE

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